Behind Harvin Danchou to Mesu Draph | Leader Harvin and Female Draph - Granblue fantasy Stretch
(C92) [ASGO (暫時)] ハーヴィン団長とメスドラフ (グランブルーファンタジー) [英訳]
#232827 - *Knock Knock* Dylan get out of the damn shower and stop wasting the water my mother barked I replied with a loud grumpy OK mom! I returned to shower knob to its Off position and climbed back out of the shower grabbed a towel off of the rack and began to dry my self off in the same sequence as I had washed myself, First vigorously scrubbing my head until it was slightly damp and frizzy, then my shoulders, chest arms, crotch and so forth. What note? he asked The one I gave you a lunch dumbass Oh yeah! he pulls it out of his pocket unfolds it and reads it, he looks up at me and says What the fuck What, What does it say I ask Lizzy wants to go out with me So, do you? I ask Shes coming over to my house today for some reason too.
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