Doujinshi | Manga | English | Tom Girl | Japanese | Chinese | Full Color

#4580 - When I get in town I’m going stop at an groceries store an pick up some food for us to eat this weekend so we won’t have go out and risk someone seeing us is that ok with you?” I press send and slide my phone back into my pocket before head back out to my car and pull back on high way. ? “Remember not a sound Nena!?” He said as reach for his phone I just nod lower my hand to his crotch and ran my hand over it I reach up a slowly undid the button on short and undid his fly I reached up and grabbed ahold of his cock and pull it out of his shorts ****** Michael****** “Hey Baby What up” I ask my wife on phone as I reach for Cigarette from my pack and pull the phone just enough to light it as I look down a Nena reach to undo the zipper on my pant. Oh God that did it my panties were soaked.

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