#345376 - Major General Brabbinger always regretted that he married so late in life,†‬he blamed his own failings for his wife's infidelity,†‬he was already retired from active service at forty five when he married Sophie’s mother and the twenty seven year age gap was too large to bridge,†‬still for all that had she consented to wake with him each morning he could have forgiven her anything but to that she could not consent. Lord Rothby looked disconsolately into his tankard of mead as the fool told the same old joke once more while the zither man slurped ale from his tankard and the Landlord at the Frothby Duck at Langley bemoaned that the Canal was now complete and his best customers the Navigators or Navvys had moved on. And so as they left the Frothby Duck,†‬it was Claridge who wore the rich Tunic and Rothby who carried their voluminous bags.